The FieldRenderer Control (Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.FieldRenderer) has a method called OverrideFieldValue that takes a string and is supposed to be shown instead of the real fields value, but it doesn't work. It seems a fix would be to add in a new pipline that accounts for this preset value. H... [More]

Editors, Sitecore, and SEO

December 12, 2008

Editors (and some sysadmins) that have been around IIS web sites for a few years seem to have a little trouble grasping what Sitecore can do for them. More specifically, they have trouble grasping what it is they don't need to do anymore!In the purest sense, file based web sites running on IIS serve... [More]

Sitecore Diagrams Part 2

November 7, 2008

We have been doing some pretty fun work with Sitecore 6 here at Hedgehog Development... I started doing some work with Sitecore Template Diagrams a while back and I got to talking with some colleagues and we decided to take this to another level. While I can't get into the specifics (just yet) about... [More]

With Sitecore templates, unlike C#, you are allowed to inherit from multiple bases. This allows Sitecore developers to be extremely flexible in their implementations, but as with most applications, flexibility adds complexity. My current Sitecore project has hundreds of templates, inheriting from up... [More]

Sitecore REST API Service

January 19, 2008

If you are a Sitecore developer, go search the Sitecore Developer Network (SDN) for "REST" and tell me what you find. Nothing. Anyone who develops with Sitecore knows that documentation is lacking, but shouldn't this be something worth mentioning on your site? I digress. I was looking at the defaul... [More]

This is more of a note to self post... I was creating a Sitecore (5.3.1) XSL rendering and I was looping over items. I noticed, however, that when one of those items is no longer published it was still looping through it! What you need to do it change your if statement from:<xsl:if test="$itm_id... [More]