Upgraded Digital DJ Pool

Community Server , Rant

DigitalDJPool.com is the online equivalent of a "record pool" more commonly known now as a "Digital Pool." For those who aren't aware, a record pool is a source for DJ's to get promotional music from record labels for use in clubs/radio/etc... The record labels provide the music to "the pool" and the pool can then provide feedback to the label. Now that MP3's are being used more than vinyl, DigitalDJPool.com provides DJ's with promotional MP3's rather than shipping crates of records!

The new site has streamlined some of the major issues members have reported in the past:

  • New, simpler, rating system
  • Longer previews
  • Grouped tracks
  • and more

DigitalDJPool.com has been around for a few years now and it was due for a major overhaul! The site was originaly powered on the Community Server 1.0 platform and has been upgraded to most of the major CS release up to now. As of now it is running on Community Server 2007.1. If you check out the site you will notice that it isn't using much of Community Server's features and you are correct. As the site has grown we realized that the end users want to download music, not blog or participate in other community oriented things. We weren't ready to jump ship on CS with this release, but it is the most likely scenario. We have a professional license, but with the never ending increase in license costs it doesn't seem like a good path to continue down.