The Twitter Sitecore Scrum

Sitecore , social , twitter

Dan Galvez and I had come up with an idea for a, sort of, Twitter based Sitecore Scrum. In essence, people would post on Twitter what they are doing today with the hashtag #SitecoreScrum. Interestingly, another Sitecore developer (Mike Reynolds) started this exact same thing the very next day with this tweet. I've reached out to Mike and we are going to try and keep up with a daily #SitecoreScrum at 10am Eastern time. I don't know what will come of this, but it can't hurt knowing what others in our realm are doing with Sitecore.

I realize actually committing and sticking to these daily tweets is tough, but I would appreciate any Sitecore developer with a Twitter account to do it; it shouldn't take anyone too long to type 140 characters.

If you use a multi-column Twitter client then take a moment and setup a column for the #SitecoreScrum search to keep tabs on one another! If the web interface is your thing, then setup a saved search. Alternatively, we can look to use a tool such as to aggregate the hashtag.

Here is an ICS file you can add to your calendar to remind you! Twitter-Sitecore-Scrum.ics (3.43 kb)