Identicons for Community Server
Jeff Atwood posted up a C# implementation of Identicons the other day. While I do not see them being all that useful, they are pretty neat. I whipped up a little Community Server Add-on that can display an Identicon.
Jeff Atwood posted up a C# implementation of Identicons the other day. While I do not see them being all that useful, they are pretty neat. I whipped up a little Community Server Add-on that can display an Identicon.
A couple of members on the Community Server forums wanted a way to block new members based on known SPAM domains. This sounded like a great idea for a CSModule. I looked at the list of events and saw that there is an event fired off before and after a user is created! Great! The PostUserUpdate event fires off after the user has been added to the database. This seems like the perfect place to change their account status, or moderation level, based on their email address.
It seems that my fancy dancy server needs to run defrag every couple days. The site is running a well visited site (and some other not so visited sites) and is creating 300MB Log Files from IIS, as well as user uploaded files, etc... All of this is really fragmenting my nice and speedy data drive (actually, 2 drives in a RAID 1 configuration).
A little rant here...
I just want to rant a little about Cablevision's IO HD DVR. The thing sucks! Sure, DVR's are great; when they work! I have been really busy every night working on the house and last night I quit early and wanted to catch up on last Thursday's episodes of "My Name is Earl" and "The Office". Guess what. "The Office" didn't record for some unknown reason. ARGH Looking back over my recorded list I am seeing a few programs didn't get recorded. I am annoyed.
I am posting this just as a teaser, and to force myself to keep to my word... I have other CS Add-Ons that I will try to release when I get time to package them up. I wrote a few good ones about 6 months ago and have yet to release them. My favorite of the bunch is a "Site Supporter Add-On!"
"Rocket City Web" of the Community Server forums asked if it is possible to limit top posting members to a certain forum. At first, I had though the member points system would be perfect for this. However, Member Points is an add-on and not available for the "Personal Edition" of Community Server. Dave Burke mentioned that you should just add top posting users to a specific Role and grant that Role access. I thought this would be perfect for a CSJob!
I am running a Linksys NSLU2 with the uNSLUng firmware with TwonkyVision Media Server installed. Attached to my NSLU is a standard external 300GB USB drive that holds my MP3s, movies, pictures, etc... On the home theater side of the equation I have the D-Link DSM-520.
I skimmed the Steve Jobs Keynote from Engadget and I must say... that iPhone does look nice! lol.
The first step in administering the users of FileZilla FTP Server with an ASP.NET front end is to get the XML Schema for the config file.