A very common feature request we get for Team Development for Sitecore at Hedgehog is that people want code generation to create a file per Sitecore template in their project. Currently, when TDS code generation runs it will create a single file with all of the code inside of it. Using partial classes it enabled developers to extend the class with their needs, in a separate file, all the while keeping the code generated part in a file that can be overwritten and updated at any time by TDS. This is very much like the way Linq-to-SQL works.
Dan Galvez and I had come up with an idea for a, sort of, Twitter based Sitecore Scrum. In essence, people would post on Twitter what they are doing today with the hashtag #SitecoreScrum. Interestingly, another Sitecore developer (Mike Reynolds) started this exact same thing the very next day with this tweet. I've reached out to Mike and we are going to try and keep up with a daily #SitecoreScrum at 10am Eastern time. I don't know what will come of this, but it can't hurt knowing what others in our realm are doing with Sitecore.
When using Team Development for Sitecore (TDS) you may need to tell your source control system how to handle certain files. This post is mainly targeted to folks using Git as their source control system, but it could be a general guideline for people using any source control system that isn't integrated with Visual Studio.
Disclaimer: This post was in a draft state for many, many, months. It was started and subsequently turned into my Sitecore Symposium 2012 talk. Now that SitecoreSym is over I am making this post and the associated code available.
I had discovered a little bug revolving around the Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field.ContainsStandardValue property in Sitecore (at least through current). You cannot trust the value returned by Field.ContainsStandardValue if you have made any of the following calls:
A common practice in all of my Sitecore sites is to have some sort of content fallback. What this means is that a field's value can come from somewhere other than the field itself, the source item (if it is a clone), or its standard values.
Content fallback is an excellent way to increase editor productivity and reduce content redundancy! Here are the three most common scenarios I run into with every project.