Google Maps with Waypoints


Finally! Google has finally added the feature of adding waypoints into its mapping product!

This is a feature that I have been wanting for a long time now! I remember back when Map24 came out and it had waypoints built it and it was impressive. Map24 has since fell off my bookmarks since it is a bit more of what I typically need, but it is still a very impressive product.

What is a waypoint? I would assume you know being that you searched for it, but a waypoint simply means a single location. With Google Maps now you can add multiple destinations, or waypoints, onto the map.

As a simple example, go to and right click on the map. Choose "Directions from here." Now right click somewhere else on the map and choose "Directions to here." You should now see two points with directions between the two. In order to create another way point you simply need to right click on the map and choose "add a destination."