Embed an MP3 Player in Community Server Posts
A member on the Community Server forums asked about embedding an MP3 player in his blog posts and I thought this would be a great addition to the bundle!
To implement this we are going to create a basic CSModule that works off of the PreRenderPost event. In our module we will try to match text that looks like this
[mp3]*Some Uri*[/mp3]
and turn it into a Flash MP3 Player pointing to the specified Uri.
Our code is very simple and looks like this:
Post post = content as Post;
if ((post != null) && (e.Target == PostTarget.Web))
Match Mp3Match = Regex.Match(post.FormattedBody, @"\[mp3\](.*?)\[/mp3\]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (Mp3Match.Success)
string uri = Mp3Match.Value;
uri = uri.Substring(5, uri.Length - 11);
post.FormattedBody = Regex.Replace(post.FormattedBody, @"\[mp3\](.*?)\[/mp3\]", CreatePlayerCode(uri), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
The MP3 Player I decided to use for this can be found here.
To use this module all you need to do is insert the following code into your post:
It will automatically turn your link into a flash based MP3 player as shown here:
[mp3 width=300 height=78]/blogs/files/test.mp3[/mp3]
There is an issue with cross site loading of MP3 files though. If you are linking to a file that resides outside of your domain you will need to have a crossdomain.xml file on the domain you are linking to. This is a security feature built into the Flash Player.
To install this, download the [bundle] and follow the directions in the readme.txt file.
The [cs] module used to show this player has been updated. Please read this post for the updated version.