Community Server and robots.txt
A couple or members lately have had issues (#1 + #2) with the way search engines have been indexing their sites.
There are few ways to optimize a Community Server installation for search engines.
- Make sure that your Site Name and Description are set properly in the Control Panel.
- You may want to edit the resources.xml file to adjust the way your title tag is handled.
- Something that I don't think that has been mentioned before is to create a
There are more than a few pages that exist in a Community Server installation that really don't need to be indexed by a search engine robot. A robots.txt file will keep the spiders off of the pages we don't want them to get.
Here is a starting point for a Community Server robots.txt
file. If you have any files you think should be blocked from search engines just drop a comment and I will update the post.
Just copy and paste this text into a /robots.txt file:
# robots.txt file for a Community Server based site.
# Created by Sean Kearney
User-agent: *
# Pages with no real value
Disallow: /error.htm
Disallow: /login.aspx
Disallow: /logout.aspx
# Directories
Disallow: /controlpanel/
Disallow: /msgs/
# We want them to get to user profiles, so comment below out
#Disallow: /user/
Disallow: /user/CreateUser.aspx
Disallow: /user/EmailForgottenPassword.aspx
Disallow: /user/EditProfile.aspx
# non-essential content (FAQ)
Disallow: /languages/