Looking back at 2010 I can confidently say the biggest news I was hit with was that I am having triplets. A pair of identicals girls and a singleton girl to be exact. This is, of course, in addition to my two year old son. I always wanted four kids so I am pretty stoked! The actual due date is Apri... [More]

So, in my last post title, "My life may be forever different," I shared with you that I am getting a dog. I did get the dog, and his name is Wilson. Has my life been changed, absolutely. Having Wilson has been a fun experience with its doses of pain and adjustment. But, I digress, this post isn't ab... [More]

  This past weekend, my wife and I took a trip out to New Jersey to go to an AKC dog show and meet with a dog breeder. While, for some, this may not be an event worthy of a blog post, for me however, it is a jaw dropper! My family is one big group (3 siblings) of non animal lovers. For me to g... [More]