Sitecore Diagrams Part 2

November 7, 2008

We have been doing some pretty fun work with Sitecore 6 here at Hedgehog Development... I started doing some work with Sitecore Template Diagrams a while back and I got to talking with some colleagues and we decided to take this to another level. While I can't get into the specifics (just yet) about... [More]

Photo Management

August 21, 2008

I am running into a problem. I have never been much of a picture taking kind of guy... that is, until I got a dog and a son. Now I am snapping pictures like a mad man with my Canon Xsi and amassing thousands of pictures named IMG_9321.jpg. I need help!!!! I have my photos organized in a X:\[year]\[... [More]

It's a sad day for DMB fans

August 20, 2008

What sad news. LeRoi Moore, The Dave Matthews Band saxophonist has died. I have been a DMB fan since the mid ninetees when they first broke out and to be honest, they were all I listened to for many, MANY, years. I have slowly began to venture away from them over the last couple years, but to this ... [More]

iPhone Part Deux

June 10, 2008

This isn't an iPhone review blog post. There have been hundreds in the last hour since it was announced.  Wow. It has been about 16 months since the I first wrote about the iPhone coming out; I still don't have one. I've read the reviews, played with it, and liked it, but as I wrote, I wasn't ... [More]

With Sitecore templates, unlike C#, you are allowed to inherit from multiple bases. This allows Sitecore developers to be extremely flexible in their implementations, but as with most applications, flexibility adds complexity. My current Sitecore project has hundreds of templates, inheriting from up... [More]

Everyone (?) knows that Community Server uses Lucene for its Enterprise Search. The one problem I found is that I couldn't find any search syntax documentation in the CS Docs. Here is a list of all index fields that CS uses: app: (forums|photos|files|weblogs)applicationkey: The application key the ... [More]

So, in my last post title, "My life may be forever different," I shared with you that I am getting a dog. I did get the dog, and his name is Wilson. Has my life been changed, absolutely. Having Wilson has been a fun experience with its doses of pain and adjustment. But, I digress, this post isn't ab... [More]

Sitecore REST API Service

January 19, 2008

If you are a Sitecore developer, go search the Sitecore Developer Network (SDN) for "REST" and tell me what you find. Nothing. Anyone who develops with Sitecore knows that documentation is lacking, but shouldn't this be something worth mentioning on your site? I digress. I was looking at the defaul... [More]

I had a fun Friday. I woke up at my usual time (6am) and dove into my usual routine. While the wife is in the shower I jumped on the computer and my browsers default home page ( wasn't coming up. humm. Checked a different site on the same server ( and that wasn't re... [More]

This is more of a note to self post... I was creating a Sitecore (5.3.1) XSL rendering and I was looping over items. I noticed, however, that when one of those items is no longer published it was still looping through it! What you need to do it change your if statement from:<xsl:if test="$itm_id... [More]